1. The discovery of Dr. Brown's bottles...we started out with the Madela and Playtex bottles, but after 2 weeks of a gassy, screaming baby, I feel like I need to write a thank you note to the company for giving us back our sweet baby and sanity!
2. I-540...it's not the most pleasant sound when you're looking to relax on the back porch with a nice cold beverage, but to a screaming baby it has proven to be music to her ears and to us, the greatest silencer a new parent could ever ask for! 3. Soothies/Paci's...I know not all babies take them, but Matt and I swear by them!
4. Packing an extra change of clothes in the diaper bag...Yeah, we learned this one the hard way! Two seconds after ordering our dinner, a silent vomit episode forced me to learn this lesson the hard way!
5. Travel during nap time...enough said! :)
6. PATIENTS!!!! :)
Here are a few pictures to show how much she has already grown...I can't hardly believe it has already been one month! We are ready to tackle whatever month two plans to throw at us, except for our two month shots, which we will NEVER get ready for. :(
First day home...
Day 2: Eyes Wide Open
Week 1...Weighing in at 7 lbs and 7 oz
Week 2...Weighing in at 8 lbs and 2 oz
Week 3...Weighing in at 8 lbs and 14 oz
Celebrating Memorial Day and her 1 Month Birthday with her cousin Caroline!