Monday, September 10, 2012

Just a Sneak Peak...

Every three months we get our pictures taken by Amber Byrd...she does an AMAZING job each and every time, so I had to share some sneak peaks with everyone!  Enjoy! :)

Hadley, 4 Months and Counting!

Hadley is growing faster than we can keep her 4 month check up, she weighed 14lbs 10 oz (75%), was 25 inches long (75%), and had a head circumference of 40.6cm (50%).  Her new thing now is squawking like a parakeet, just to see how loud her voice can actually get.  Thankfully, she is still sleeping through the night and loves playing with her noise maker toys...lucky us! ;)  Just see for yourself how much she has changed since my last post! 

 Happy 4 Months Sweet Girl! :)

 Hadley and her bestest friend...Little Sugar!

Last day at the pool until next year!

Sweetest thing in this whole world!

TV time

Rocking her "Rattle" bracelets

Seeing what the Baby Bjorn in all about


Happy Girl

Laughing at Mommy!

Headed to church with G-Ma and Big Man

All Smiles!