Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Bishop Family Vacation at Holden Beach

Every year the Bishop's rent a house in Holden Beach for a week and we all get together to relax and discuss who has the best sun tan! :) This year, with the arrival of Hadley in April and me just getting back to work from being out on maternity leave, Matt and I weren't able to stay for the whole week but were able to go down there for a few days to get a "Bishop family fix". 
All packed and ready to go!
Heading down to Holden Beach for the weekend!   
Perfecting her suntan! ;) 
There is nothing sweeter...
Hadley hanging with Daddy 
Caroline chowing down on her crab legs!  
You have to work for it, but it is well worth it!
Taking a break from the sun... 
Caroline holding "Hadwee" :) 

Back To The Working World...

Well, it has been two weeks since I went back to work and although my first day back was full of tears and many phone calls to my sister, it has gotten much easier every day and feels good to be back in the swing of things!  I must admit, if it wasn't for Amy keeping her during the day for us, I would be a nervous wreck and we would be broke given the cost of day care for a newborn. As for our sweet Hadley, she has adjusted great to her new daily schedule and continues to grow and grow.  She giggles and talks to us all of the time and most importantly started sleeping through the night on a regular basis at ten weeks!!! 

First time going to Aunt Amy's for the day while Mommy and Daddy go to work
Watching the Fresh Beat Band with Hananh before Mom comes to pick me up from Aunt Amy's
Our Big Girl 
Trying out the  Bumbo Chair for the first time! :)

Sunday, July 8, 2012

What time is it...POOL TIME!

Today we went to the Seven Oaks pool and tested our luck with trying to beat this 100 plus degree day.  Hadley loves a bath, so we were certain that she would love the pool and of course she did!  Matt, being the proud Dad that he is, is already talking about swimming lessons and teaching her to dive off the diving board, but for me...I'll just settle for her growing into her pool float and sun hats! :)
Ready for the pool!  
Testing out the water with my Mom!
Cutest little fish in the baby pool :)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

July 4th, Emerald Isle Style!

Before having to go back to work next week, we all headed to Emerald Isle for a few days to soak up some sun and relax.  It was so nice to get away and prepare ourselves for the hustle and bustle of life with a new baby and me going back to work full time on Monday! :( Here are a few pictures of why I am envious of those who truly live the "Salt Life"...with the exception of the shark and large bear we encountered while being there! ;)
P.S.  I forgot to mention that Hadley rolled over from her belly to her back twice while we were down there.  She is growing up too fast but is oh so advanced! :)
The HUGE bear that crossed the road in front of us in Jones County

Hannah with "the biggest sand fiddler ever" :)

Hadley and Aunt Amy

Big Man and G-Ma with their grandkids!


Our sweet little watermelon! :)

SHARK!!! (Caught just down the beach from us)

The "bestest" Uncle around...as per Hannah!