Sunday, October 28, 2012

A Busy 5 Months...

So, Hadley actually just turned 6 months old today but we are going to back track for a minute and update you on what happened during month 5.  She has become quite the little busy body...she isn't crawling just yet but rolls all over the place to get around.  She started sitting up on her own and eating big girl food in her high chair with a spoon.  We think she is trying to get some teeth in, but no sign of them yet...just a lot of drool and funny faces when she tries to soothe her gums herself.  She is full of personality and giggles at just about anything.  She is growing up so fast, sometimes I wish I could freeze time just for a minute to absorb all of the "awesomeness" of being her Mom!
 Being 5 months old is SOOO funny! 

 This is how I roll! 

 My Little Angel!

My first head-band experience! 

 Practicing sitting up with my pumpkin from Aunt Caroline! 

Sitting in my stroller like a BIG GIRL!

Cutest pumpkin in the whole pumpkin patch! 

 Trying out Hannah's car seat for fun while we wait in carpool to pick her up from school! 

 Going to church with G-Ma and Hannah 

 Church time!

Waiting patiently for my dinner in my high chair!

Too cute! 

I'm gonna need that paci if you want me to smile...just sayin'! 

Headed to see my new friend Amelia...

Already growing out of my 6 month clothes...hello, Mr. Belly! 

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