Sunday, October 28, 2012

First Family Trip to the Pumpkin Patch

We finally made it to the pumpkin are some pictures from our trip!
Headed out to the pumpkin patch...

I am so excited about picking out my own pumpkin! 

A quick stop for groceries first...

I think I want this one! 

She was focused more on her shoes than the pumpkins! 

This one will do! 

Me and Mommy at the pumpkin patch! 

So many choices! :) 

This one is just my size...

I need a nap, so this one will have to do! 

All three pumpkins carved and ready to greet our trick-or-treater's on Halloween! 

A Busy 5 Months...

So, Hadley actually just turned 6 months old today but we are going to back track for a minute and update you on what happened during month 5.  She has become quite the little busy body...she isn't crawling just yet but rolls all over the place to get around.  She started sitting up on her own and eating big girl food in her high chair with a spoon.  We think she is trying to get some teeth in, but no sign of them yet...just a lot of drool and funny faces when she tries to soothe her gums herself.  She is full of personality and giggles at just about anything.  She is growing up so fast, sometimes I wish I could freeze time just for a minute to absorb all of the "awesomeness" of being her Mom!
 Being 5 months old is SOOO funny! 

 This is how I roll! 

 My Little Angel!

My first head-band experience! 

 Practicing sitting up with my pumpkin from Aunt Caroline! 

Sitting in my stroller like a BIG GIRL!

Cutest pumpkin in the whole pumpkin patch! 

 Trying out Hannah's car seat for fun while we wait in carpool to pick her up from school! 

 Going to church with G-Ma and Hannah 

 Church time!

Waiting patiently for my dinner in my high chair!

Too cute! 

I'm gonna need that paci if you want me to smile...just sayin'! 

Headed to see my new friend Amelia...

Already growing out of my 6 month clothes...hello, Mr. Belly! 

Monday, September 10, 2012

Just a Sneak Peak...

Every three months we get our pictures taken by Amber Byrd...she does an AMAZING job each and every time, so I had to share some sneak peaks with everyone!  Enjoy! :)

Hadley, 4 Months and Counting!

Hadley is growing faster than we can keep her 4 month check up, she weighed 14lbs 10 oz (75%), was 25 inches long (75%), and had a head circumference of 40.6cm (50%).  Her new thing now is squawking like a parakeet, just to see how loud her voice can actually get.  Thankfully, she is still sleeping through the night and loves playing with her noise maker toys...lucky us! ;)  Just see for yourself how much she has changed since my last post! 

 Happy 4 Months Sweet Girl! :)

 Hadley and her bestest friend...Little Sugar!

Last day at the pool until next year!

Sweetest thing in this whole world!

TV time

Rocking her "Rattle" bracelets

Seeing what the Baby Bjorn in all about


Happy Girl

Laughing at Mommy!

Headed to church with G-Ma and Big Man

All Smiles!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Bragging Rights!

Everyday we are more and more amazed with how AWESOME our baby girl is! Yes, we are biased but rightfully so given that at 3 months she can...
1.  Scoot herself from one end of her crib to the other
2.  Scoot all around her play mat whether it's to see what's on the TV or look at a different toy (she loves Nick Jr. and the Olympics...go figure?)
3.  Sits up in her Bumbo seat without having a "bobble head"
4.  Rolls over from her belly to her back, and has almost mastered rolling over from her back to her belly! (that silly right arm always seems to get in her way)

She has such a cute personality and loves to giggle and hear her own voice...might I add that she inherited her very own built-in megaphone from her Mom and has an extremely loud squeal when she gets excited or sees something funny.

Our monthly picture 

Happy Girl!

Ready for the beach

Mom is SOOO funny! :)

A sneak peak from our 3 month photo session with Amber...Can't wait to see the rest!

Hanging out with my glow worm and owl friend while watching the Bubble Guppies on TV

She may be growing up fast, but she is always going to be our sweet baby!